2005-05-10 10:32 +0000 [r411876] binner * kdetoys.lsm: update lsm for release 2005-05-14 09:12 +0000 [r413647] benb * debian/control, debian/kdetoys-doc-html.doc-base.kworldclock (added), debian/kteatime.README.Debian, debian/amor.docs (added), debian/kweatherreport.1, debian/changelog, debian/copyright, debian/kmoon.install, debian/kodo.1, debian/kworldclock.README.Debian (added), debian/kdetoys-doc-html.doc-base.kweather, debian/amor.1, debian/kworldclock.1, debian/source.lintian-overrides: The packaging for this module in the 3.4 branch is quite out of date. Bring it up to the current state of packaging in debian unstable.